Uniquely New Zealand
New Zealand cows enjoy the luxury of spending over 90% of their time in the lush pastures offered by their surroundings. Because of New Zealand’s temperate climate, fertile soil and excellent rainfall, cows also consume an average of 85% of their diets as grass which means a butter that not only tastes better, but which offers great potential nutritional benefits as well.

Rich in Vitamin D
Our butter is naturally rich in Vitamin D as New Zealand cows spend on average 90% of their time outside. This exposure to the sun gives product that is typically higher than farms where cows are often kept indoors.
High beta-carotene levels
Pasture-rich diets give butter its natural golden colour and is especially prevalent in New Zealand. Beta-carotene is used to make Vitamin A, a mineral essential for growth, prevention of infection, retina function and skin health, as well as being a great antioxidant.
High levels of CLA
Milk fat from grass-fed cows contains a naturally-occurring, concentrated dose of Conjugated linoleic acid -two to three times higher than that of grain-fed cows. It has several potential health benefits helping to maintain cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, support hormonal balance and regulate immune function.